Climate Resilient Communities

Project Overview

Menlo City Park Councilwoman Cecilia Taylor helped Climate Resilient Communities (CRC) connect with the Bay Air Center. This nonprofit has a mission to support communities and create resilience against climate-related stresses and address the climate concerns of the communities of Belle Haven, East Palo Alto, and North Fair Oaks. CRC runs Climate Change Community Teams in these communities. Both members and volunteers expressed interest in learning more about air quality, so CRC staff sought information and an air quality training. The Bay Air Center worked with CRC staff to develop a session covering air quality concepts including foundational knowledge, how to access data, as well as actions community members could take to protect themselves and prevent further pollution. The Bay Air Center supported logistics, planning and promoting the event, and organized stipends for attendees.

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Having clean air is an essential human right but in our communities that have been redlined and historically marginalized, people are denied that right. Bringing our community together to learn about air quality is the first of many steps to achieving systemic change and environmental justice. I am thankful to the Bay Air Center for providing that expertise and helping build the capacity of our residents to continue fighting for change.

— Violet Saena, Founder & Executive Director, Climate Resilient Communities