A New Community Resource
The Bay Air Center is a Bay Area Air District (Air District)-sponsored community resource that provides technical guidance, materials, and training to Bay Area community members and organizations, free of charge, to support their efforts to understand and improve air quality.
The Center is staffed by people with deep experience in the fields of air quality and community engagement from Kearns & West, TD Environmental, T&B Systems, and InterEthnica.
Read what others are saying about Bay Air Center
Cesar Nevarro, Latinos United for a New America
The Bay Air Center is full of beautiful nerds who have led us to be more conscious about the gravity of air pollution in our…
Violet Saena, Founder & Executive Director, Climate Resilient Communities
Having clean air is an essential human right but in our communities that have been redlined and historically marginalized, people are denied that right. Bringing…
Ben Gomberg, Division Director, Community Libraries
I think the content will be valuable for us in the years to come, as something we can bring out around spare the air days…
The Brightline Team
The Sensor Verification System has supported the expansion of the air quality monitoring capacity for Brightline’s community-based network!
Valerie Ziegler
Abraham Lincoln High School
Our school community has been provided valuable data about our air quality, hands-on experiences with measurement tools, and helpful guidance as a result of our…
Anthony Strawa
Sustainable Silicon Valley (SSV)
We were very satisfied with Bay Air Center’s support. The advent of low-cost sensors means more communities will want to take measurements upon themselves. The…
Ken Szutu
Citizen Air Monitoring Network – Vallejo (VCAMN)
Bay Air Center worked with Citizen Air Monitoring Network in retrieving air quality data from our Internet server. It saved us a lot of time…