Latinos United for a New America (LUNA)

Project Overview

Latinos United for a New America (LUNA) has partnered with the Bay Air Center to access technical education support on their California Air Resources Board (CARB) grant as they raise awareness around air quality and prepare for a future CARB grant. LUNA’s air quality goals included developing neighborhood’s ability to identify and work on local air quality issues, specifically increasing their capacity to monitor air quality and develop improvement plans. The Bay Air Center has worked with LUNA to develop air quality education that addresses these goals.

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The Bay Air Center is full of beautiful nerds who have led us to be more conscious about the gravity of air pollution in our neighborhoods, its impacts on our health, and who is most vulnerable. They empowered us to bring education into our communities on precautions we can take within our homes to protect our families and actions we can take collectively to protect our communities.

— Cesar Nevarro, Latinos United for a New America